Saturday, 2 October 2010

SHOT LIST... (For the Trailer)


1. Dark shots with flashes of main characters, with a brief introduction narrated via voice over.
2. Close up shots of the two lovers, showing that they are clearly in love.
3. Next we see the Father of the girl, shot in dark lighting. He finds out about his daughter's relationship and immediately orders a hit on them both.
4. Shot of darkness, - blackout effect to suggest some time has passed.
5. Two lovers are running and screaming. They are being pursued.
6. Blackout we hear screams and gunfire.
7. We have further blackouts to suggest time has passed.
8. A boot of a car is opened and a body is put in.
9. Another quick blackout.
10. A quick shot of the car pulling off.
11. Another quick blackout.
12. Car driving on motorway.
13. Another quick blackout.
14. Car arriving at harbour.
15. Another quick blackout.
16. Body been thrown off boat.


1) (two lovers)

2) (father orders the hit on daughter)

3) (dark shot with text - showing time change)

4) (man and woman running away)

5+6) (bodies are put in boot of car)

7+8+9) (car by harbour throwing bodies into sea)


1. Dark shots with flashes of main characters, with a brief introduction narrated via a voiceover.

2. Close up shots of the two lovers, showing that they are clearly in love.

3. Next we see the Father of the girl, shot in dark lighting. He finds out about his daughter's relationship and immediately orders a hit on them both.

4. Shot of darkness, - blackout effect to suggest some time has passed.

5. Two lovers are running and screaming. They are being pursued.

6. Blackout we hear screams and gunfire.

7. we have further blackouts to suggest time has passed.

8. A boot of a car is opened and a body is put in.

9. Another quick blackout.

10. A quick shot of the car pulling off.

11. Another quick blackout.

12. Car drving on a motorway.

13. Another quick blackout.

14. Car arriving at harbour.

15. Another quick blackout.

16. Body being thrown off boat.

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